06762-296014    /    0674-3556538 (Bhubaneswar)

  aira_dkl@yahoo.co.in / airamnpdkl@gmail.com



          Wrong company struck Prasant at the young age of 28 while he was about to start his own family after marriage. With a job as Gram Rojgar Sebak (GRS) under the Panchayatiraj Department, he was earning something about 10,000 a month and was commanding some respect in the community. But, he was introduced to alcohol and the related fancy stories by his friends who were only interesting to expand their team. Even after being married and blessed with 2 children he continued his attachment with his bottle-friends not minding his responsibility as a family man and as a father of 2 young lives. Moving ahead his drunkenness got consolidated with him and the relevant financial stress started stressing his family obligations. When the family and elders registered his rudeness, bad spending and company, the family peace was shattered. The young wife and the elderly parents along with other members in the family circle were also very badly affected. But, he gave least care to their wards and even warnings. Even the neighbors, the village elders were offended most often for the almost routine quarrel and disturbance. At certain point his very presence at his home and in his very village was considered undesired.

          At this point, fortunately the family members could learn about AIRA’s ASHRA-Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts functioning at Jiridamali in Kamakshyanagar block of Dhenkanal district that has already catered to the drug de-addiction and allied services. When consulted, IRCA personnel visited his place, convinced him of the positive and supportive services after which he was taken in as a client. Given his young age apart from medical and therapeutic services, the good rounds of emotional counseling, he responded positively. And after a stay of one month he proved himself worthy of rejoining his family with a vow to lead a responsible and decent life. This made the IRCA team and AIRA happy.