06762-296014    /    0674-3556538 (Bhubaneswar)

  aira_dkl@yahoo.co.in / airamnpdkl@gmail.com

Who We Are

      Arun Institute of Rural Affairs (AIRA) a frontline rural based NGO started its journey since 1986. The formation of the NGO was inspired by the devotion and social work spirit of an untimely lost village youth named “Arun” as well as the horrific experience of a survivor, the team leader and founder of AIRA from biggest tornado that hit Bandhaguda in Keonjhar district of Odisha during 1980s. Since the formation AIRA moved ahead with commitment and selfless services and we proved as key change making organization focusing on poor tribal and rural population mostly women and girls.

       We envision for evolution of a society free from all sorts of discrimination and with equal rights and opportunities for all. Towards this holistic vision our mission is to organize the people, build their capacity, enhance confidence and empower them to lead a dignified life. Starting from delivery of services like health and education, we organize their capacity and skill for productive participation in social mainstream.