06762-296014    /    0674-3556538 (Bhubaneswar)

  aira_dkl@yahoo.co.in / airamnpdkl@gmail.com


Though we as AIRA initially started its work in Dhenkanal district focusing Kankadahad tribal regions and Gondia block intervening education and health for all, over the years the our work work spread across the state of Odisha covering different stakeholders targeting issues affecting ;life and living condition of the people. Presently we operate in Dhenkanal, Cuttack, Keonjhar, Angul in costal Odisha, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda in westren Odisha and Nabarangpur districts of southern Odisha. In our efforts to bring both social and economic empowerment of most vulnerable population, we priorities the education and health component while we intervene in the areas like ecology, environment and livelihood promotion to sustain a change for better tomorrow. Presently the 20 and odd programs are organized & operated in 15 blocks in 6 district of Odisha benefitting to 1,21,000 population that includes women &children, senior citizens, drug abusers, sexually high risk groups & transgender persons and differentially abled persons.